"I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul"

[2024-09-29 note: This was previously posted on Cohost, on 2023-05-03 at https://cohost.org/ireneista/post/1439975-i-must-obey-the-ins but the irenes.space URL is the permanent one.]

image description: A Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, black-and-white line art. Calvin and Hobbes are walking through deep grass with brambles and trees. Hobbes: "Whatcha doin'?" Calvin: "Looking for frogs." In the second panel, Hobbes kneels down, studying the ground. "How come?" "I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul." Final panel larger, with a river. Both are deep in the work of searching, facing away from camera. "Ah, but of course." "My mandate also includes weird bugs."

we say that line a lot, along with "our mandate also includes weird bugs"

we would like people to know what we're referencing :)

those characters were amazing role models for a young autistic plural system, so much so that even the gender stuff was bearable

(Atom Feed)