This action will have consequences.

Specifically, you'll get to see this list of where we can be found on the web.

This site, including the PGP key linked above, is hosted on hardware we physically control. You'll see a cloud company's IP address, but that's just part of our fancy routing setup; all certificates are held locally.

We also have various other sites, including but not limited to:

A blog has appeared here! You can find it in the list of stuff above. It initially had zero posts, but now has quite a few, including all our old favorites that we used to keep on Cohost. It will be very low-traffic.

If we feel extra energetic, we may even make a way to navigate this site. Please understand, we've designed fancy site layouts and generators and serving tooling before, and doing so did not make us happy, so we're unsure whether it's worth it. We'd much rather have this extra-plain uncustomized look than a template somebody else made.

If you're coming here from Cohost, thank you for being part of our life over there, and thank you for wanting to stay in touch. The site was not without its challenges, but it really was beautiful while it lasted, wasn't it?

[i was on cohost!] [this site vi flavored]